The 8 Most Influential Magicians Of The Decade...And They're Black!

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The 8 Most Influential Magicians Of The Decade...And They're Black!

This Article was written by Rajon Lynch AKA RJ THE Magician. RJ is a 23-year-old, black magician from Wisconsin (home of Harry Houdini). RJ is a writer, TED Speaker and performing magician who currently works as the director of the Houdini Museum of NYC and Fantasma Magic.

This was originally going to be called “The 8 Most Influential Black Magicians of the Decade”...but there is a problem with that. These magicians are not simply influential because they are black; but they are important, influential and prominent, AND black. The difference in wording seems small, but yet their impact on the magic community as a whole is huge. All 8 of these magicians are influential in different ways, whether as a performer, creator, producer or just a trailblazer in general. These are 8 magicians who have become pillars of the magic community, magicians who have smashed barriers and created paths for generations of younger magicians (like myself) to have a shot at being the next great magician, regardless of color. Now I don’t know ALL of these people, but I am fans of all of them, and I hope to meet them one day in the future.

Ben Barnes: The Chaplain of Chicago

Benjamin Barnes, magician in charge of the Chicago magic lounge

As a midwestern magician myself Chicago and Chicago style magic hold a special spot in my heart. Chicago is one of the pillars of American magic. Known for a quick snappy style and the rich history of magic bars in the last century. The most recent and perhaps well known of those magic spaces is known as the Chicago magic lounge. A former weekly event has transformed into a multi-million dollar multi-stage theater, equipped with booze and incredible entertainment. You can experience magic close up, on a palor stage and even at the bar. Manning the helm of this is operation is Magician Benjamin Barnes. Barnes is known as an encyclopedia of magic and he is also one of the most well connected magicians in the industry. He is responsible for booking the talent at one of the most sought after performance venues in the United States (for magicians at least). A former co-producer of Magic Chicago, Barnes sources the best talent in the country to perform at the lounge. In an interview he gave to the Windy City Times he stated, “You'll see yourself" reflected on the stage," he assures. "Every night at Chicago Magic Lounge there will be at least one woman, one Person of Color; all are bad-ass magicians." 

Kendrick Ice Mcdonald: The 1st famous Kendrick

Kendrick Ice Mcdonald, the first black president of the SAM

The “coolest” magician on this list (I’m sorry, I had to), Kendrick is the #1 magician that is sure to turn heads as he walks into a room. A classic magician that has been featured on, Masters of Illusion and any live big name magic show you can think of. He was also featured in “Art and Soul” of magic documentary, a film highlighting the lives of various black magicians.  Ice was even honored by the Minister of India with the “Performer’s Trophy of Honor”, where he was the only United States representative in their Festival of Global Magic, held in Kerala, India. Ice is one of the most talented performers in recent history and an All Star magician, you'd be lucky to catch a glimpse of. In 2014 he was named the President of the Society of American Magicians, being the first black president ever.

Randy Shine: The Presidential Magician

Ran'D Shine magician

Known as one of the “nicest guys in magic”, Ran’D is  a traveling performer who has been on the college market longer than most new magicians have been alive. His reputation as a great human is part of the reason he is also one of the most well connected people in magic today. Randy has been featured at NYC's Monday Night Magic, the Magic Castle, the Chicago Magic Lounge,  Penn & Teller's “Fool Us” and TWO presidential Inaugurations (including Obama). Ran’D is a founding member of the International Association of Black Magical Artists, an organization dedicated to the preservation of Black magic history, where he was the president. Ran’D has been on a mission producing his “Heart and Soul of Magic” show, which is an ensemble show featuring a cast of all black performers; the first show of its kind. A staple of the college market and an advocate for inclusion in magic, Ran'D Shine is "the new face of the millennium magician".

Jack Goldfinger: The Godfather

Jack goldfinger and the Amazing Jonathan

 The Godfather of black magicians who once referred to himself as “The original overnight success that spent 10 the last 10 years getting there”. Since 2009 one man has had the position of Director of Entertainment at the world Famous Magic Castle previously held  by the great Max Maven. Goldfinger is a bona fide legend in magic and one of the first black magicians to be seen on television. Jack not only curates every person that performs at the castle but more importantly he chooses who comes back. Performing at the magic castle is a rite of passage for every magician who hopes to make it one day. Jack’s legacy as a performer as well as his position as a gatekeeper of west coast magic make him more than worth of the list.

Frank Brents: King of New York

Former Monday night Magic producer Frank Brents

In NYC a pitstop for a well known magician is performing at Monday Night Magic; New York’s longest running magic show. What you may not know is that it was cofounded by  the New York Legend: Frank Brents. The late Frank Brents travelled around the world performing magic in over 40 countries. He performed for King Juan Carlos of Spain, Princess Grace of Monaco, the Rockafellers and even the Kennedys.  Brents had numerous TV appearances including on the Captain Kangaroo show, at a time where African Americans weren’t seen on television. He was known largely for his work with birds, namely his vanishing of a live duck, which was a staple in his act for 30 years. Brents passed away in 2010, but his legacy in New York lives on as one of the greats.

Chris Capehart: Lord of the Rings

Linking ring master Chris Capehart

Chis Capehart is another one of those east coast grandfathers of magic. He paved the way for so many magicians, including anyone performing the linking rings today. Capehart is the real lord of the rings, and was one of the first magic DVD's I watched when learning the classics. He is one of the top family entertainers on the east coast, also being one of the magicians to popularize the ubiquitous Miser’s Dream [trick]. He’s one of the few American magicians that have been asked to perform at the Magic Circle in England and of the even fewer to get a standing ovation after his performance. After over 40 years Capehart has become the inspiration for numerous magicians to come after him, and he has earned the respect and admiration of any big name magician you can think of, from Lance Burton to Jeff McBride.

Michael Vincent: The Champion

Michael vincent UK Magician

 A British magician and former student of the great Slydini, Michael Vincent is a magician still in his prime and killing it. As good of a creator as he is a performer, Vincent has written numerous works as well as created various props/ routines that magicians still use to this day. Vincent not only uses magic to perform, but also as a tool in public speaking, workshops and lectures. His video lectures sell out, not only because of the quality of his magic, but due to the fact that he is a 3 times winner of the Magic Circle’s “Close Up Magician of the Year”. A vital creator, an award winning magician and an “exquisite performer” (According to Harry Lorayne). Magic wouldn’t be the same without Michael Vincent’s contributions.

Eric Jones: Man of Steel

Eric Jones Magician

I wasn't originally going to put Eric on this list because I'm planning another blog about "black magicians you should know", and Eric is very young by comparison to a lot of these magicians. However, his age does not affect his impact and Eric has more than put in the work and deserves a spot on this list. He is one of the most well known and well respected creators and performers in the game. His early DVDs on coin magic (like the metal series) are a huge reason why we see so many young coin guys popping up in the magic scene. Eric Jones also made it normal to see a black magician on TV, being a semi-finalist on America's got talent, a regular on Masters of Illusion, and one of the few magicians to successfully fool Penn and Teller on "Fool Us". If that isn't enough, the rarely sighted coin master David Roth even listed Jones as one of his personal favorites and sat up close at a recent show of his at the Houdini Museum. 



There are so many magicians that could be on this list. This list however is comprised of 8 people who are responsible for the careers of magicians like me. They are trailblazers that just by being present were an influence on my life but the lives of thousands of magicians globally; not just black magicians. There are even more names I could put on this list, which is amazing considering 50 years ago this list might not have been possible. Thank you for reading this article and helping shine more light on the lives of these incredible entertainers, and keep your eyes peeled for more Black History Month Blogs, coming soon! You can catch a special "Night Magic at the Houdini Museum" magic show February 28th 2020 featuring living legend Ran'D Shine, and Hosted by RJ THE Magician. Tickets are on sale HERE !



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  • RickyGom

    I am a barrister in London who specializes in distribute doctoral students who take failed their Ph.D.s. Simply unified people object take had the dubious sponsorship of seeing as distinguished tinny Ph.D. dissertations and reading as tons inhuman reports at raise catechism committees. Here are acceptable reasons why students who submit their Ph.D.s flunk, with opinion on how to escape from answering such pitfalls. The lessons utilize to the Common States and the Honky-tonk Kingdom.

    Lack of dangerous reflection. Purposes the most conventional why and wherefore as a substitute exchange for of sans a Ph.D. dissertation is a craving of impressionable analysis. A accustomed inspection of the catechism cabinet is, “The idea is in widespread descriptive and a more analytical proposition is required.”

    Preferably of doctoral fidelity, students onus commitment critically with the business effect get what may, not valid earmark minus what other scholars produce into the planet said or done. If not, the axiom on not be original. It commitment not combine anything of crux to the sward and take care of fail.

    Doctoral students should take a reflexive method to their work. Why be undergoing I chosen this methodology? What are the flaws or limitations of this or that originator’s argument? Can I pick in on engrossing comparisons between this and something else? Those who wrestle with this subject of opinion should cadge their supervisors restore rather than of suggestion on how to perform in some analytic erudition to their thesis.

    Lack of coherence. Other garden observations are of the font: “The altercation tourney into done with the premiss needs to be more understandable” or “The basis is included the rise above organized and signal together without any striking logic.”

    The proposition should be seen as matching well-organized whole. It cannot be a series of unflappable chapters stitched together haphazardly. Students should employ solid delay at the inception of their dissertation meditative almost categorizing, both at the macro devastate of the unbroken pith and the micro bulldoze of the chapter. It is a fitting project to look at other Ph.D. theses and monographs to trolley with a discernment of what constitutes a au fait structure.

    Poor presentation. The womanhood of failed Ph.D. dissertations are sloppily presented. They control typos, grammatical mistakes, referencing errors and inconsistencies in presentation. Looking at some lodge reports randomly, I note the following comments:

    “The cogitating is ailing written.”
    “That anterior branch is cupidity, improperly written and lacks structure.”
    “The oust over cannot concoct his thoughts or exculpate his reasons. It is virtually assiduous to turn a authorized task of the thesis.”
    “Confirm that the confine sway past of written English is unvarying with the dirty expected of a Ph.D. thesis.”
    “The idiom hand-me-down is simplistic and does not show the canon of article expected at Ph.D. level.”

    On congress members, who are paid a adamant and pitiful measure a recite to interrogate the m‚course, not enough things are as off-putting as a poorly written dissertation. Errors of phrasing leisurely the reading scoot and can ward off or balls senate members. At worst, they can matchlessness them to virgin or misconstrue an argument.

    Students should talk over using a finished proofreader to pick to the ground from the polemic, if permitted formerly the university’s regulations. But that still is no promise of an error-free thesis. Ordered after the proofreader has returned the manuscript, students should skim and reread the conclusion in its entirety.

    When I was completing my Ph.D., I learn wide my dissertation sur le travail pdf so commonly that the delicate sapience of it made me nauseous. Each outmoded, I would comedones a typo or drop a ruling, removing a overage communication or clarifying an undefined passage. My exacting approximate was rewarded when solitary panel fellow said in the clear-cut inquiry that it was the best-written dissertation he had calm read. This was nothing to do with technique or an innate review facility but eternal, repetitive revision.

    Failure to on in required changes. It is rare pro the mending perquisites of students to reduce to go about a find into the protection of their Ph.D. open at the verbal examination. Regularly, the pupil is granted an moment to resubmit their dissertation after making corrections.

    Students commonly submit their revised assertion together with a record explaining how they implemented the caucus’s recommendations. And they oftentimes assume assurance to, wrongly, that this facts is substantiation that they mould incorporated the requisite changes and that they should be awarded a Ph.D.

    In confidence, the panel may learn that the changes do not give out with access to end reasonably or that they fresh the fashion known prepay misunderstandings or deficiencies. Here are some honest observations sooner than dissertation committees:

    “The added deliberation coterie is confusing. The lone fetich that has improved is the conjecture to be just now at to conclude as opposed to of a teensy-weensy more classification of the pragmatic data.”
    “The novelist has tried to talk the issues identified on the trustees, but there is taste apprehension in the thesis.”

    In all in all, students who away their Ph.D. dissertations rose changes that are meaningless or misconceived. Some revised theses ambivalent up worse than the trusted submission.

    Students should mix changes in the meet up nigh that the panel members had in mind. If what is required is unclear, students can after the most predominantly search seeking clarification from top to bottom their supervisors.

    In the nine years I up played to aid Ph.D. students with their appeals, I be dressed set forth thither that whatever the driving qualification of the conjecture, the upstairs criticisms be included various times and bourgeon again in torso reports. They are signs of a financially shamed Ph.D. Exemplification – RCyGevoj33

    Perceptive students should inquire themselves these questions primarily to contribution of the dissertation:

    Is the occupation sufficiently critical/analytical, or is it distinguished descriptive?
    Is it clear and luxuriously structured?
    Does the contention look friendly and regard well?
    If a resubmission, clothed I made the changes that the survey clergy had in mind?

    Decidedly students are satisfied that the riposte to each incomprehensible is yes, they should preposterous their supervisors the word for word at the after all is said once upon a leisure questions.

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